Seedbed is a digital journal by and for thinking practitioners who plant churches and make disciples among the least reached.

Introducing the Prince of Peace to a World at War
Current Issue: Apr 2024, Vol XXXV, No 1

Introducing the Prince of Peace to a World at War


Editorial: Making Disciples of the Prince of Peace

A birds-eye view of this issue focusing on the implications of war, conflict, and interreligious tensions for the expansion of God’s kingdom among least-reached communities.
Part of , a -part series

Being a Messenger of Christ in a Time of War and Peace

In volatile contexts, how do we decide whether to go or stay when the stakes are high? Is it even worth it to send workers into places of such risk? A CP scholar-practitioner grew up in a war-threatened country and was later called to serve in a volatile context. Here she shares her personal reflections on the difficult decisions around risk and a theology of suffering when serving in the shadow of war.
Part of , a -part series

Planting Seeds of Healing in Times of War: Insights from Trauma-Informed Crisis Communities

In contexts affected by war, many global workers have found themselves focusing on trauma healing as a major part of their ministry. They seek to walk alongside people suffering from the trauma of war and other crises to bring healing and hope through engaging with Bible stories and discussion groups. A veteran worker and trauma specialist shares lessons learned while forming “trauma-informed crisis communities” among Ukrainian refugees.
Part of , a -part series

Reaching the Muslims of Russia in the Wake of the Russia-Ukraine War: A Three-Pronged Proposal

How do we carry out the Great Commission if our own nation is viewed as hostile to the people group we are called to serve? Two Ukrainian practitioners, with extensive experience in the North Caucasus, Ukraine, and Russia, share how the Russia-Ukraine war has changed the equation for how best to reach the North Caucasus peoples. Informed by their personal experience living and working in the North Caucasus, they propose rethinking the who, what, and how of ministry to this neglected part of the Muslim world.
Part of , a -part series

Mark Durie’s Polemic-Apologetic Discourse on Islamist Violence and Its Role in Christian-Muslim Interaction

Mark Durie has become a prominent and influential voice in the discourse around Islam, ministry to Muslims, and Islamist violence. Many global workers who live among and reach out to Muslims may find his discourse challenging, confusing, or even frustrating. A fellow Australian and missionary to Muslims seeks to engage with Durie and understand his place within the spectrum of Christian approaches to Islam.
Part of , a -part series

"Peaceable Witness": An Author-Practitioner’s Reflections after Twenty-Five Years

Twenty-five years ago, Gordon Nickel authored a book exploring the implications of biblical teaching on peacemaking for Christ-honoring witness among Muslims. He now reflects on that book with the question in mind, “How did that work out for you, in thought and practice?” His decades of ministry in South Asia, and his own academic study of Islam, give fresh perspective on these themes and the role of impassioned persuasion in inviting Muslims into God’s peace.
Part of , a -part series

Using A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue for Interfaith Discussion Groups with Muslims

Discussions over deeply-held core beliefs can lead to heated arguments that end relationships. Many avoid these conversations altogether and leave the discussions only to scholars and debates between apologists. How do we build friendships and community with Muslims, while also giving Christians ample opportunity to introduce their Muslim friends to Christ? A group of workers in the U.S. started several Christian-Muslim book discussion groups. Read their story and the lessons learned.
Part of , a -part series

Continuity, Discontinuity, and Islam: Guidance from a BMB Leader for Mentors of BMBs

A seasoned leader and bishop shares his remarkable story of coming from a devout Muslim family, being transformed by Jesus, and reassessing his Islamic background and values. Reflecting on his own loss of community and family, and his extensive discipleship and mentoring of BMBs in various places, Bishop Yassir gives counsel and encouragement to those who are walking with BMBs as they navigate the challenging issues at the borderzone of Islam and their faith in Christ.
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